FEB 12, 2007
Holding Back the Years - Simply Red
Holding back the years, Thinking of the fear
I've had for so long. When somebody hears, Listen to the fear that's gone. Strangled by the wishes
of pater, Hoping for the arm of mater, Get to me sooner or later,
Nothing ever could, yeah. I'll
keep holding on, I'll keep holding on, I'll keep holding on, I'll keep holding on.
Chance for me to escape
from all I know. Holding back the tears. There's nothing here has grown. I've wasted all my tears, Wasted
all those years. Nothing had the chance to be good,
Nothing ever could, yeah. I'll keep holding on,
keep holding on, I'll keep holding on, I'll keep holding on So tight.
SOPHIA OF WISDOMS AKA CAROLINE E. KENNEDY___________________________
11, 2006
I was not aware that I was to marry him (JFK,Jr.) but I have put together evidence from the internet and
personal experience as a Spirit Helper and Judge. I have also learned that new laws were made up so they could have more time
with him..........
Mary Magdalene, Harlot or Queen?
The Color
From its infancy the Christian Church has taught that Joshua son of Nun in the Old Testament was a “type”
or “figure” of Jesus. Joshua not only lent his name to Jesus, but also provided a general plan for saving and
settling a nation under God. Considering the importance of Joshua as a role model for Christ, it is only fair then to ask:
Was there a prominent woman in the time of Joshua, and does she have a counterpart in the life of Jesus as told in the Gospels?
In the Book of Joshua (Chapter 2) the hero Joshua sends two spies across the Jordan and specifically to visit Jericho.
Upon entering the city, they immediately seek out a woman named Rahab, who is repeatedly and in no uncertain terms referred
to as a harlot. The apparent distraction of the men would seem to imperil their mission, but is instead turned to the benefit
of Israel. This woman Rahab proves to be a valuable informant, and she also helps the men escape after their cover is blown.
In return for these services, Rahab and her family are later spared when Joshua takes the city and puts every other living
thing to the sword.
That is the last we hear of Rahab in the Old Testament, so it is quite unexpected to not only
find her mentioned in the very first book and first chapter of the New Testament (Matthew 1), but also identified there as
an ancestor of King David. We might now ask: Why would the motherhood of Rahab and her contribution to the “scarlet
thread” of Messianic kingship only be made explicit in the Gospels? This deliberate and seemingly unnecessary mention
of Rahab in the New Testament compels us to take a fresh look at the highly detailed story of Rahab in the Old Testament.
As a result, we shall learn that Old Testament precedent relating to the “saving” of Rahab by Joshua was faithfully
reenacted in the New Testament figure of Mary Magdalene. That is, in order for everything written about Jesus in the Old Testament
to be “fulfilled” he had to, among a great many other things, be intimately affiliated with a woman intentionally
defamed as a harlot.
There are a number of obvious indications in the Book of Joshua that the description of Rahab
as a harlot is only a ruse. To begin with, the name Rahab was a carefully selected epithet, and like that of Joshua (“God
saves”) was symbolic of a designated role, as are the names of so many other Biblical characters. Elsewhere in the Old
Testament the name Rahab (“pride, belligerence, enlargement”) is used to represent Egypt, the traditional domain
of the Sun-god Ra. It is also applied to the unbounded watery depths (Heb. tehom) of creation that were divided by YHWH in
order to form dry land. Similarly, in the Babylonian Creation Epic the oceans are personified by the “resplendent”
goddess Tiamat, who is further described as “risen up” and “haughty.” Tiamat had formerly given birth
to the gods, but after being stirred to rage by her consort Kingu (associated with the Moon) she determined to kill her divine
In response, the god Marduk (associated variously with the Sun, Mars, Jupiter or a rogue gravitational body)
engaged Tiamat (Tehom/Rahab) in battle and split her into two parts. Her surging waters were in this way transformed from
an unpredictable menace into calm seas under a kind sky. Moreover, the instigator Kingu was defeated by Marduk and his blood
used to fashion mankind. By association, Rahab of Jericho is revealed not only as a great queen but also one who represented
a deadly threat to Joshua and the Israelites. Further, she is specifically associated with the royal court of Egypt from which
Joshua, Moses, and the Israelites had earlier fled.
Our Lady of Jericho does not live and work along a cramped alleyway,
but in a lofty tower built over the city wall. Rahab therefore occupies a critical element in the city’s defenses. Such
a tower would be a privileged place suitable as the living quarters of a queen, and not a common whore. What’s more,
even though Rahab harbors suspected spies, the king of Jericho refrains from accusing her of treason, and her residence is
not subjected to a search. Rather, Rahab speaks directly to the king and with complete impunity. The king even takes direction
from her, or should we say misdirection. At her urging, a posse is sent by the king of Jericho to chase after the spies, but
these spies are still with Rahab and hidden on the roof of her penthouse suite. After night falls, they escape, Rapunzel style,
out a window of the tower and using a rope provided by Rahab. She even instructs the men on how to evade detection in the
countryside so that they can safely return to Joshua with the information she has given them.
En route to Jericho
from his encampment at Shittim (meaning, “Acacia,” from its scourging thorns), Joshua (ala Biblical YHWH and Marduk-Ra)
divides the floodwaters of the Jordan and the Israelites cross over on dry land. For seven days the army of Joshua marches
around Jericho, and on the seventh day marches around it seven times. This would have offered the time and diversion needed
by Rahab (and those at her own command) to undermine the city’s defenses. Upon completing the seventh and final lap
on the seventh and final day, Joshua signals for a long blast of trumpets. At that same moment it follows that Rahab orchestrated
a cacophony of tumbling stones. The wall of Jericho “fell flat,” that is, collapsed under its own weight due to
sapping or internal pressure. Jericho was not conquered so much by King Joshua from without, but by Queen Rahab within.
a sign of her diplomatic immunity, Rahab hung a “scarlet thread” outside a window – perhaps the same window
from which she had earlier flung a cord for use by the spies. Scarlet was the color of royalty and is another obvious clue
to the high status of Rahab as queen. Therefore, if Queen Rahab plied any trade it was the manufacture of cordage and textiles,
for upon the roof of her tower there were large quantities of valuable processed flax. Flax was used not only to make the
rope that saved the men of Joshua, but also the red linen fabric that protected her from harm when Joshua stormed the city.
When the bloody conflict was finished, the power of Jericho (a place name derived from the Hebrew word for “the Moon”)
over Rahab was broken, and any former hostility toward Joshua subsided. Her former patron the king of Jericho was also “sacrificed”
in the creation of Israel, and as Kingu had been in the creation of mankind.
The Wedding in Canaan
Much is
made of Moses placing the “mantle” (of kingship) on Joshua son of Nun. Strangely though, the succession of Joshua
is afterwards not even mentioned. Instead we get the impression that with the death of Joshua there was no recognized king
in Israel until Saul and then David. In the interim, the Israelites “did what was right in their own eyes” and
were governed more or less by “judges.” In the Old Testament, the predecessors of King David are named as Jesse,
Obed, Boaz, Salmon and Nahshon. It is only in the Book of Matthew that the “harlot” Rahab of Jericho is identified
as the mother of Boaz. Armed with this new intelligence about Rahab, we might boldly advance that the mantle or birthright
passed from Joshua son of Nun to Salmon son of Nahshon. However, the Hebrew name Salmon (also written Sala) literally means
“mantle” and the root sal connotes “salvation.” Therefore, it can be trumpeted long and loud that
Salmon son of Nahshon was more commonly referred to as Joshua son of Nun. The name Nun is also written as Non and was consequently
a short form of Nahshon.
If Joshua and Salmon were two epithets of the same person, then it follows that Rahab became
the wife of Joshua and Joshua the father of Boaz. Indeed, we are told in the Book of Joshua (6:25) that Rahab “dwelled
in Israel” after the conquest of Joshua. The Hebrew word translated as “dwell” (yashab) can also be translated
as “marry.” However, if the hero Joshua had been the direct ancestor of King David, then why would this not have
been fully recorded and celebrated? First of all, the former marriage(s) of Rahab made her nuptials with Joshua something
less than right in the eyes of Israelites. Perhaps more disturbing, the future heir Boaz may not have been a true offspring
of Joshua, but a child born to Rahab by a former husband, that is, a son of a rival or foreign king who was only adopted by
Joshua! Thirdly, Rahab herself may have been considered a non-Israelite, and a hated Egyptian queen at that.
The Hebrew
word for harlot, zonah (zaw-naw’), makes a ready play with the Hebrew word for queen, that is, sarah (saw-raw’).
Both before and after her name was changed from Sarai (“domineering”) to Sarah, the sister-wife of Patriarch Abram
also found herself in a compromising position and her reputation in considerable danger. While trying to become pregnant,
she was first taken into the harem of a pharaoh of Egypt and then a king of the Philistines in Canaan. As a result, Sarah
like Rahab was subjected to a stereotype and prominent double standard of her time. Women of common birth were considered
to be the property of their husbands and could be punished by death for adultery. On the other hand, royal women (such Sarah
and Rahab) emulated the great goddesses in their sexual freedom and virtual equality with gods.
Isis in Egypt, Inanna and Ishtar of Mesopotamia, and Asherah in Canaan, women of high birth were actually encouraged to seek
out and have children by multiple partners - with or without the covering of marriage. In the Egypt of Rahab, a leading
queen was designated as the “God’s Wife.” She could have numerous children (“holy
births”) by various kings (“gods”) and still be considered a virgin. Outside
the context of the royal court however, these ladies would have been thought of as no better than whores, and the Biblical
authors often found it a convenient artifice to model them as such.
Redeeming Magdalene
The epithet Magdalene
has the Hebrew meaning of “tower.” By virtue of this glaring allusion to Old Testament precedent, the marriage
of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is not only to be suspected but also completely expected. As Jesus is patterned after Joshua,
so Mary Magdalene is typecast as the incarnation of Rahab. Consistent with this, Mary Magdalene (“Mary of the Tower”)
must be rescued by Jesus even as Rahab was by Joshua. Joshua marches around the city of Jericho seven times. Similarly, Mary
Magdalene is delivered from the influence of seven “evil spirits.” That is, before becoming the disciple, patroness,
and especially bride of Christ, she would first have to be divorced from a number of encumbrances, not the least of which
was a “bad marriage.” Joshua kills the king of Jericho and liberates Rahab. Therefore by association, Jesus must
kill, at least figuratively, those who wanted to confine Mary Magdalene in a tower, that is, to negate her power by engaging
her in compromise with the present overlords of the land.
Ironically, the much-criticized union with Mary Magdalene
actually served to make the Messianic claim of Jesus more legitimate from a Scriptural perspective. Tradition held that kingly
Joshua was married to a harlot, or at least to a woman who had assumed the literary guise of one. And this is the context
in which we must consider the depiction of Mary Magdalene. As with her Old Testament archetype Rahab, Mary Magdalene in reality
would have been of the highest social standing, a veritable “queen” and “goddess” within Jewish society
of the time. And like Rahab, the true status of Mary Magdalene is downplayed in Scripture but not fully suppressed. Her wealth
and influence were not only helpful to Jesus, but actually a necessary part of her prophetic profile that needed to be documented.
Moreover, her class distinction in turn unveils that of Jesus himself.
Rehab is the second of four women listed in
the genealogy of Jesus Christ (not including his mother), but is the most important as far as the Gospel presentation is concerned.
She is the only woman associated with Joshua son of Nun, the namesake of Jesus, and a type of “secret wife.” For
effect, Rahab is also placed in the company of three other women who were renowned for assertiveness, Ruth, Tamar, and Bathsheba.
They were chosen because of all Old Testament women they along with Rahab most nearly captured the heart and mission of Mary
Magdalene. To varying degrees, all four “played the harlot” in order to improve their marital satisfaction and
the welfare of their children. For taking courtly initiative each risked the painful stigma of adultery. Ultimately all were
rewarded with greater status in their lifetime and recognized by posterity as integral to the Messianic line.
motherhood of Rehab is only made explicit in the Gospels for the purpose of explaining to those who had “ears to hear”
why believers were not to proclaim from every housetop the good news of Jesus’ marriage along with his saving message.
There were very practical reasons for hiding the family life of Jesus under a bushel, and it also honored precedent. The marriage
of Joshua and Rahab is disguised in the Old Testament. Moreover, after Joshua and Rahab there is a perceived latency or incubation
period of the “judges” before the advent of a renewed native kingship in Israel under King David. Again, this
provided a blueprint for Jesus and his inner circle to follow. In the short term, the Messianic successors of Jesus would
need to guard their plan and cultivate belief in Jesus among the masses. However, within a few generations a Davidic figure
would be expected to emerge from this Messianic line, and in the manner of both David and Joshua, he and his army of zealous
followers would “take up the sword” and “take the kingdom by force.”
Considerable understatement
and indirection is used in the Book of Joshua account of Rahab. Yet, her royalty (and therefore also that of Joshua) can be
easily recognized by the pseudonyms and symbols masterfully woven as Biblical
DECEMBER 30, 2006
AKA CAROLINE E. KENNEDY________________________
GenePools and Gravity Making for Peace - Re-myologizing EA's EArth.
In Addition to be called EA
(for whom EArth was named) Enki was also called MERK ( see "Secret Places of the Lion")
His Vehicle in Egypt was
called "KA" (The Implosive Star & Lucid Dream Penetrating Coherence of his Auric UV Cocoon)
Projecting this
into stars is called: Evolution of the Merk-KA-bah.
Draco(n) Origins of EVE (Innana / NinHursag- The "URU") Enki's
Mother's Line (Morph between origin Great Mother Sumerian Ubaid Statue and the Draco as Seen at Montauk & Dulce)
is the better history for with the Sumerian poetry in Zachariah Sitchin's new "Lost Book of Enki".
reprinted from
the writings of Dan Winter, by Implosion Group
It is suggested before reading the bulk of the Enki Returns story here
of galactic origins of DNA, that the story of the origin of the Dragon lineage be previewed as part of the GODDESS story at
Mar 3,04: PLANETARY INVASION FORCE: A Reason for Ecstasy? - deeper on Drac Reptilian History
of DNA-ref:Montauk /Swerdlow
Index of all the Galactic Origins of DNA articles from Dan Winter published by Implosion
Group: Galactic Context/Genetic History & ET Origins of Religion -Thematic Index
Also 10/26/98 ORIGINS GenePool
Gets Remothered: Self Stinging is Dragonian to Golden ONE: Real Draco History: Magdalen Grail Line,
to Tolkien - & Lord of the Ring..
We presented a complete pictorial interpretation of science behind Lord of the
DNA microscope photos showing ring torus compressed by letter symmetries forged
In addition we got this nice note from Michael Rice- today.. see if you see the
connection between Tolkien's history and the Sumerian - An / Ea (Ai-nu?) / Enki / Enlil story!
"got a christmas
present from....a book about Tolkien.. basically a guide to the whole mythology..
I imagine you know this already,
but it tickled me..
basically, his creation story for middle earth began with ERU, the One, who dwelt in the void
he came to earth and gave eternal life through the FLAME IMPERISHABLE. ERU named these creations the AINUR, or the
holy ones. they were the first ones and inhabited the Timeless halls. their were great spirits and had mighty voices,
some proved greater than others, and war ensued among them..
ERU made or fashioned the earth and (wait for it!...)
called it EA, and elves and men later called it ARDA or Earth
After Arda was made the Ainur went down onto this
newly created world, where they became known as the Powers of Arda, and later they were thought by men to be Gods,
those that wrre good were guided by the will or Eru, but others served their own ends, and although in the Timeless Halls
they were beings of pure spirit, on Arda, they were limited in power..
it is said that in the end of days the
y will return and be known as the ERUHINI
so tolkien really rode the big wave here.. more than a little reference
and similarity to the mythology you have been uncovering".. from Michael Rice...
With Innana's Return
( ) there was a frail apology from the Annunaki for having so cavalierly hacked up the genes which became
our ancestors. Here Enki suggests that although the DNA splicing at that time may have been invasive - resulting from a galaxy
wide conflict, there may be a way to turn our genepool's 'fallen' or Nephalim status into the penetrating gravity making star
bending force which could be the comeuppance of those 'Orion' Wars.
From: "Dr. S B Dear Dan,
I send you the pictures of the space craft. From the sketches, which are a bit covered by text now, I have made drawings.
No. 1-3 are different views of one type of craft, no. 4 is a slightly different craft I now remember I have seen as
I have seen them by the hundreds, looking brand new, INSIDE mountains, somewhere in the Sinai and somewhere
North in- or North of Isreal. The impression I had was that these spaceshuttle-like spacecraft were waiting for returning
Annunaki or other ETs to be used in the future. For us humans, these mountains cannot be entered, except by shamanic or
meditative journeying, like I did (you may call it remote viewing).
Locating something is easier for me when I
do this by map dowsing and I remember you were most interested in locations. This is what I did today. Well, here
they are: - Cedar Mountain near Baalbek in Lebanon. Mount St. Katherine and Mt. Sinai in the South of the Sinai Peninsula.
Later, I checked it in Zecharia Sitchin's book "The Wars of Gods and Man", which is standing on my bookshelf already
since a couple of months, but which I have not read yet. I have read a couple of other works of Sitchin. In this book
I found out, that Sud (Nin.Harsag, named after the big mountain we now know as St. Katherine), lived near Mt. St. Katherine
and Mt. Sinai when she was old, ca. 10,000 BC. Later, ca. 2000 BC, an Annunaki spaceport in the central plain just
North of these granite mountains was blown apart in a war (between descendents of Enlil and Enki) by a nuclear weapons
explosion, the fall-out of which killed the entire Sumerian culture. The nuclear explosion left behind blackened rock
on the plain, which still can be seen today. The spaceport control center had been inside a mountain!!! The same book
tells us that Cedar Mountain in Lebanon was a landing place. I noticed, while reading the book, I almost could not resist
slipping into a trance state.
Lots of Love, Peace and Joy, S.B.
also you may go to Dr. S.B.'s Research
web site directly:
hint to Isreal and the Arabs: Those
who don't learn from history are condemmed to repeat it.
History seems to continuously repeat the story of the
2 brothers at war East of Eden. My brother's name is Michael (another name used by Enlil / Yalweh), and we grew up in a town
named East Eden - so you can see this might be my favorite story.
Recommended background: Zachariah Sitchen's
books, "Genesis of the Grail Kings" by Gardner, "Guardians of the Grail" by Morningsky, "Secret Places of the Lion" by George
Hunt Willaimson (brother Phillip of 'Secrets of the Andes'), ,
There were
bitter years, in the Orion Wars - after the humanoid remnant realized it might well be millenia under rule by terror from
hybrid machine part DNA cyborgs. Yet a force cried out pleading with deep immortality from the willed mutation of genes: "We
cannot die, for we have seen the starships burning off the shoulders of Orion." This was the bloodsong (SanGraal) of the Trons.
The Trons were those who had retained the skill to penetrate thru the speed of light, with the wormhole penetration of their
own biological magnetic. There were 2 tricky parts to this: 1 - You needed the focus to ignite your glands and thereby your
own DNA to the implosive point of ultra-violet spitting faster than light cocooning., then 2 - You needed the context rich
location in TIME in order to avoid having the superluminal wormholes you just made with your DNA start BLEEDING. (Shades of
'Bleeding Sun' and 'point pairing' in the Samuel Sagan novel.)
There is only one place to go with your genetic magnetics
AFTER you succeeded in getting thru the otherwise mortal cocoon of limitation that is the speed of light. (DNA is highly aware
that it is fatal to be permanently caught below the speed of light - this is why your teenagers would rather risk death than
not acheive bliss). The place to go when your genes do catch the compassion compression (recursive braiding) skills necessary
to keep implosion thru light speed going, ('come on baby - light my fire!') IS - TO INHABIT TIME. The geometry of your position
in TIME needs also to be FRACTAL in order to be inhabitable. (Ref: "Spiral Calendar", Carolan) Similar to the fractality in
the magnetic SPACE in your back yard necessary to make implosive bliss sustainable without insanity - you need a fractal in
time. This is because ultimately only the self-similarity which steers flux into eating itself (self re-entry) in both time
and space, is what is inhabitable (alive). Self-reference both defines and creates self-awareness.
All this is however
only lengendary in abstraction to the real story of Enki - which I am here to tell you. You need a little background in the
story of the Tron in order to understand Enki's mother. Because of the Tron's ability to steer a magnetic vector (simply a
wave) from a circle (matter) into a line (energy), they were said to be able to 'Steer in Time'. In practical terms this is
rather simple. In the TRanslation of vorticity TuRning from rotational to linear ineRTia there is a TRansformation of attention.
Literally, the Tron knows how to 'get up off the cross' and follow.. me. As we shall see presently, negotiating the turns
(of 'mind') necessary to hang in there while swinging around a donut, became the origin of alphabet - as on EA's EArth.
secret to Enki and this story, is how he learned from his mother, how to tie this slip knot. Because, it is in this symmetry
secret that he (under the later guise of Tutankhamon and the resultant Jesus myth) learned how to ensoul DNA and bring people
back from the dead ("LazeRus Effect"). The angles of this slip knot are more than alphabet, they are the cookbook for starting
the phire (fire) of life.
Notice how the movement from the right top periphery of the rotation, versus the
push down the center, is an EL or phase shift. Making this EL is how you became ELohim. Sustaining the resulting tornado thru
light speed (by successful compression), required inhabiting TIME and that's how you became Tron.
Tie the knot successfully
and you have the burning HEART OF THE SUN - The turns necessary to re-enter a donut are burned into the Heart of ANu. This
is the TOURBILLION - a 'scrollwork made of light'.
Enki's fiery heart still ignites the ANU of my genes, and
I have seen those starships burn. I am here to suggest one way out of here - it is thru the Sun.
If you see the Sun
in the right shamanic light, the center is a cool attractive black hole, which invites. Into that fiery furnace, certain biological
emanations (properly blue DNA field effect) as soul groups, can survive - and moreover can delight in star entry. This is
not a religious fantasy for the 4 old daughter of the astrophysicist - this is the astrophysics for the astrophysicist. The
purpose of DNA is a biological magnetic compressor. Compression due to recursion is identical to acceleration. Wave heterodynes
in Phi recursion accelerate by adding and multiplying wave VELOCITIES - therefore recursive compression is identical to MAKING
Inhabiting Sun's requires knowing this angle to produce self re-entry. This is why focused human awareness
measureably reduces radioactivity. (Regulating solar metabolism is a conscious affair..). And this is why Enki's father AN
was called the "Sun God", and why the ANu was named after him.
Below our same Dr SB dream pic of how DNA Templating
serves to fire up it's coeur implsion:
Below: pic from geometer of Deca Delta- How DNA braid angle into tetra-helix
(un-ensouled Yalweh way of Gematria - Golem Making) original design for TAK-ADAMA (donkey Adam from Orion):
letters are shadows of a self-organizing spiral 'letter element of symmetry/ flame ' on the self-organizing donut of all fields
- indexed by the symmetry of the tetrahedron - how to cook donut fields into a tetra helix - an non-imploding DNA / 'golem'.
Yalweh's computer software / alphabet had no capacity fot the hypercube dodec / Ophanim symmetry to ensoul DNA. ( ../orion
Shine COHERENT LIGHT thru Sumerian Letters as cookie cutter wave guides - and you get the structures you
see in a microscope inside living cells;
(Ref: Dr. George Merkel - Sumerian Elixirs and microscopy). Sumerian and
Hebrew alphabets in their shape alone are overwhelming evidence that the ET origins of DNA on this planet is a sad story of
genetic engineering gone awry.
Consider how "Fabre D'Olivet" felt when he discovered a radical retranslation of Genesis
in the SHAPE ALONE of the Hebrew letters: "Hebraic Tongue Restored - The Origins of the Adamic Race".
Below the symmetries
of Yalweh and the origin of ANU (5 vs 7 spin of Ultimate Physical atom) as slip knot:
(Compare with the visual gematria
of golem making in quaballah - fill the visual field optical cortex hologram with the SHAPE of one hebrew letter at a time--)
Essentially the process of ensouling DNA is the same as lighting the fire of the Sun in human hearts. (as
in the ANU pic above - same slip knot=hydrogen - human heart AND solar heart - fusion Eye-dent-eye-phied). The symmetry of
the solar fires is re-enacted in the human heartbeat. (Shades of "Tutankhamon Prophecies" with a good dose of solar physics).
The message sent from the beating heart is sonically re-CORD-ed in the piezoelectric braid of DNA - particularly during passion
and bliss. This is why the loss of passion was so destructive to the fallen DNA of the Nephilim. And THIS brings us nicely
back to the story of Enki's origins.
Imagine you are Enki learning from a dragon Queen mother, Aide. Here son is how
you create life: take lightening, and learn to tie it up in a ball. Something about that first dimple which turns the skinny
tornado like lightening bolt into the torus donut - IS when the whip cracks - implosion starts - it becomes "self re-entrant"
and self-organizing. And PHIAT LUX - you have LIFE itself. What was a lightening bolt - now appears like a floating ball (really
toroidal). Scientists spent lifetimes studying the nature of ball lightning - never imagining that the answer required understanding
the origin of life itself as a symmetry turn inside out.
Today physicists who say 'pop the quiff' (quantum wave function),
imagine there is some MAGic in the catastrophy theory that quantizes the continuous wave into the discontinuous wave packet
(mis-labeled PARTicle). But the origin of quantum mechanics (which is simply that no wave stands unless it's length divides
evenly into its rotational circumference) forgets that no wave stands even then unless there is the centering force charge
implosion thru lightspeed caused by wave recursion - to create (in a widening gyre) a center that can hold. This is the G
ray of vita : gravity.
The difficulty for physics is in getting the relationship between what is called AWARENESS
and GRAVITY clear. Both p
E. KENNEDY__________________________
SEPTEMBER 27, 2006
Home Page Sherman H. Skolnick Email:
Part Four By Sherman H. Skolnick
RECOVERY OF PIPER SARATOGA AIRCRAFT OF JOHN F. KENNEDY, Jr. 1. No declassificatin until 7/22/2029.
2. This is
in deference to the wishes of a senior member of the Kennedy family.
3. Also in deference to the order of the national
government and in respect to certain foreign intelligence agencies having reciprocal agreements with the U.S.
order and national security findings attached.
5. The recovered aircraft shows evidence of an explosive device having
been glued or affixed within the tail luggage compartment.
6. Device was apparently actuated by a barometric trigger.
Radio signals not ruled out.
7. Tail of aircraft was dismembered from the plane making it front heavy.
Study of radar shows the plane fell in excess of 6,000 feet per minute up to radar cutoff.
9. Satellite images supplied
by the National Reconnaissance Office record an outbursting flash from the aircraft just prior to it going into perpendicular
10. Tail structure was dismembered just prior to descent.
11. Recovery of a piece of luggage from
beyond the flight path of the aircraft correlates with it being hurtled out of the tail luggage compartment at outburst.
Preliminary examination of the aircraft shows residue of an explosive device the Laboratory identifies as being the type used
by certain foreign intelligence agencies. Refer to POTUS order and findings.
13. Study of Air Traffic Control and
other radio signals shows no Mayday report from the aircraft, explained by rapidity of descent.
14. Investigation
and examination has been strictly compartmentalized.
15. A short, perfunctory examination of the recovered bodies
was completed. Examination revealed that Carolyn Bessette Kennedy was in third trimester pregnant, the fetus a boy.
four bodies were transferred to a senior member of the Kennedy family. The Bureau was not informed whether the bodies were
actually cremated. Indirect advisories report that the bodies may have been shipped in untagged containers to foreign
Reliable assets are to submit reports.
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